Saite da Vida
segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018 was under attack! Change your access data!
As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your account.
I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks. I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.
If you want to prevent this, transfer the amount of $543 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: “Buy Bitcoin”).
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 18eBGkYam1wjz1S77jz3VmADuYYFzhA3vB
After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 48 hours to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Best wishes!
sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018
I am writing to inform you that your fund is ready for payment, as approved by the Federal Reserve Bank this time, I wish to confirm from You if Mr. Gary Raymond who is in our office for the same reason, has your mandate to receive your fund on your behalf as he stated that you are ill and hospitalized, as he is claiming with written evidence signed by you. For your information, Mr. Gary Raymond is from Houston Texas, U.S.A.Because this office will not be liable to any wrong payment, kindly note that upon your confirmation of his mandate and authorization, we shall have no other option than to pay the funds into the following bank account detail, as submitted by Mr. Gary Raymond;
Citizens Bank Of East Tennessee,
207 Washington street,Rogers villetn 37857-0000.
Account Number: 705383140
Routing Number; 064202967.
Swift Code: CBE05G320R
Beneficiary Name: Gary H Raymond
Kindly update this office if you authorized him to claim your fund on your behalf. We will inform you on your response on how you will receive your payment if you did not authorized him to claim your fund but if you are the one who authorized him then return this mail with the copy of the Power Of Attorney (POA) to enable us released the fund to him.
As soon as we hear from you that you did not authorized him then our International Remittance Dept will contact you for the transfer Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the United States Government.
Kindly fill this information to confirmed your profile so that i can send it to the bank to process your payment
1. Full Name
2. Contact Address:
3. Country:
4. Age:
5. Phone:
6. Occupation:
Yours Faithfully
Anderson Cox
quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2018
I am writing to inform you that your fund is ready for payment, as approved by the Federal Reserve Bank this time, I wish to confirm from You if Mr. Gary Raymond who is in our office for the same reason, has your mandate to receive your fund on your behalf as he stated that you are ill and hospitalized, as he is claiming with written evidence signed by you. For your information, Mr. Gary Raymond is from Houston Texas, U.S.A.Because this office will not be liable to any wrong payment, kindly note that upon your confirmation of his mandate and authorization, we shall have no other option than to pay the funds into the following bank account detail, as submitted by Mr. Gary Raymond;
Citizens Bank Of East Tennessee,
207 Washington street,Rogers villetn 37857-0000.
Account Number: 705383140
Routing Number; 064202967.
Swift Code: CBE05G320R
Beneficiary Name: Gary H Raymond
Kindly update this office if you authorized him to claim your fund on your behalf. We will inform you on your response on how you will receive your payment if you did not authorized him to claim your fund but if you are the one who authorized him then return this mail with the copy of the Power Of Attorney (POA) to enable us released the fund to him.
As soon as we hear from you that you did not authorized him then our International Remittance Dept will contact you for the transfer Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the United States Government.
Kindly fill this information to confirmed your profile so that i can send it to the bank to process your payment
1. Full Name
2. Contact Address:
3. Country:
4. Age:
5. Phone:
6. Occupation:
Yours Faithfully
Anderson Cox
quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2018
I am writing to inform you that your fund is ready for payment, as approved by the Federal Reserve Bank this time, I wish to confirm from You if Mr. Gary Raymond who is in our office for the same reason, has your mandate to receive your fund on your behalf as he stated that you are ill and hospitalized, as he is claiming with written evidence signed by you. For your information, Mr. Gary Raymond is from Houston Texas, U.S.A.Because this office will not be liable to any wrong payment, kindly note that upon your confirmation of his mandate and authorization, we shall have no other option than to pay the funds into the following bank account detail, as submitted by Mr. Gary Raymond;
Citizens Bank Of East Tennessee,
207 Washington street,Rogers villetn 37857-0000.
Account Number: 705383140
Routing Number; 064202967.
Swift Code: CBE05G320R
Beneficiary Name: Gary H Raymond
Kindly update this office if you authorized him to claim your fund on your behalf. We will inform you on your response on how you will receive your payment if you did not authorized him to claim your fund but if you are the one who authorized him then return this mail with the copy of the Power Of Attorney (POA) to enable us released the fund to him.
As soon as we hear from you that you did not authorized him then our International Remittance Dept will contact you for the transfer Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the United States Government.
Kindly fill this information to confirmed your profile so that i can send it to the bank to process your payment
1. Full Name
2. Contact Address:
3. Country:
4. Age:
5. Phone:
6. Occupation:
Yours Faithfully
Anderson Cox
sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2018
Security Alert. was compromised. Password must be changed.
I have very bad news for you.
09/08/2018 - on this day I hacked your OS and got full access to your account
So, you can change the password, yes... But my malware intercepts it every time.
How I made it:
In the software of the router, through which you went online, was a vulnerability.
I just hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it.
When you went online, my trojan was installed on the OS of your device.
After that, I made a full dump of your disk (I have all your address book, history of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and addresses of all your contacts).
A month ago, I wanted to lock your device and ask for a not big amount of btc to unlock.
But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and I was shocked by what I saw!!!
I'm talk you about sites for adults.
I want to say - you are a BIG pervert. Your fantasy is shifted far away from the normal course!
And I got an idea....
I made a screenshot of the adult sites where you have fun (do you understand what it is about, huh?).
After that, I made a screenshot of your joys (using the camera of your device) and glued them together.
Turned out amazing! You are so spectacular!
I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
I think $792 is a very, very small amount for my silence.
Besides, I have been spying on you for so long, having spent a lot of time!
Pay ONLY in Bitcoins!
My BTC wallet: 182PJESsEWbuJ8PEgfM58p64jbok3i1gNU
You do not know how to use bitcoins?
Enter a query in any search engine: "how to replenish btc wallet".
It's extremely easy
For this payment I give you two days (48 hours).
As soon as this letter is opened, the timer will work.
After payment, my virus and dirty screenshots with your enjoys will be self-destruct automatically.
If I do not receive from you the specified amount, then your device will be locked, and all your contacts will receive a screenshots with your "enjoys".
I hope you understand your situation.
- Do not try to find and destroy my virus! (All your data, files and screenshots is already uploaded to a remote server)
- Do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, I sent you an email from your account)
- Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help, since your data is already on a remote server.
P.S. You are not my single victim. so, I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment!
This is the word of honor hacker
I also ask you to regularly update your antiviruses in the future. This way you will no longer fall into a similar situation.
Do not hold evil! I just do my job.
Good luck.
quarta-feira, 5 de abril de 2017
Suicídios e assassinatos gays no Brasil
Uma mãe apresenta-se com uma filha gay, um filho gay e uma filha heterossexual num programa de TV. A filha gay se queixa que a mãe não a aceita em sua casa com sua namorada. E esta filha que se traveste como um menino, escolheu ter três filhos com um senhor de idade. Este senhor é amigo dela, e convive bem com a moça com que se relacionou só para ter filhos. Mas ela tem uma namorada e convive bem com a namorada e os três filhos, não precisando da mãe para nada. O garoto gay também tem dificuldade de relacionamento, não lhe sendo permitido apresentar o namorado. Mas a implicância maior recai sobre a filha, pois a mãe alega que “não foi "para isso" que criou a filha”, "para isso" significa morar ou ser casada com um homem.”
Resumo da história:
Os adolescentes não comunicam aos pais as suas inquietações. E quando comunicam sofrem a pressão, pois a cobrança da sociedade é cruel em relação aos pais.
- três adolescentes se suicidam por dia. 1200 suicídios infantis por ano.
- E um home gay é assassinado a cada três dias. Por mês são 9 assassinatos. Por ano 100 mortes por crime homofóbico.
Os gays morrem pela autoagressão e pela agressão externa.
Pense nos jovens que se suicidaram recentemente que você ouviu falar.
Eles mereciam viver.
A vida dos filhos é a vida dos filhos, eles que devem escolher seus caminhos.
“A minha escolha você não precisa aceitar, mas trem obrigação de respeitar' . É uma lei social.
10 frases que os pais dizem:
1. “É só uma fase! Vai passar”
2. “Não te criei para isso!”
3. “O que os outros vão pensar?”
4. “Sua avó vai morrer do coração quando souber disso”
5. “Isso é culpa daqueles seus amigos”
6. “Mas você já tentou com uma menina?”
7. “Devia ter dado um skate e não patins”
8. “Eu não tenho preconceito, tenho medo do que você vai passar”
9. “Mas você tem certeza?”
10. “Vou te amar e te apoiar independente da sua escolha”
Uma imagem apreciada é a Mona Lisa também conhecida como A Gioconda ou ainda Mona Lisa del Giocondo é a mais notável e conhecida obra de Leonardo da Vinci, um dos mais eminentes homens do Renascimento italiano. Interessante que muitas pessoas a transformam em qualquer pessoa, como a L.H.O.O.Q. Que é o nome de uma das obras do pintor dadaísta Marcel Duchamp. Na pintura realizou uma paródia da Mona Lisa, de Leonardo Da Vinci com bigode e uma barba. É válida a releitura de vários artistas e críticos da tradição artística ocidental de obras icônicas, causando um impacto que incentiva a reflexão sobre machismo, feminismo e cultura gay. Um oriental faz a performance de Marilyn Monroe. Marcel Duchamp foi um dos primeiros a trabalhar com fotografia e androgenia com a sua "Rose Sélavy, a foto de chapéu. Isso porque em toda a história da humanidade tem o questionamento dos hermafroditas. Tanto que em 1971 um oncologista americano queria uma ciência interdisciplinar capaz de utilizar conhecimentos biológicos, ecológicos, genéticos e fisiológicos, por um lado, e valores morais, por outro, como guia para ações em favor da sobrevivência humana. Lembremos que nos Estados Unidos os gays foram usados como cobaias humana na pesquisa da variação de sexo, como na época de Hitler. Chegaram ao cúmulo de enxertas testículos de boi nos gays.
O termo bioética nascido destas reflexões, tem raízes na antiguidade em decorrência da evolução da sociedade, por conta do aparecimento de problemas imprevisíveis, resultante do desenvolvimento científico, principalmente a partir do sec XX.
Em 1987 esse termo bioética foi relacionado a uma ética mais global, para sobrevivência do ser humano e do planeta. Quando as universidades entraram em contato com esse termo, houve uma transformação social no campo do estudo universitário. O termo bioética ficou mais restrito, para expressar a ideia de renovação da ética biomédica. Esta disciplina virou disciplina da ética aplicada, voltada para os problemas novos e antigos, como a clonagem de seres humanos e o aborto, porque se colocava da maneira mais inédita.
Só lembrando que o Presidente Obama faz jus aos primeiros cientistas, legalizando o posicionamento do movimento LGBTT
(Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Travestis e Transexuais). Ainda mais incluindo-os nos programas de saúde Obama Care, que o Presidente Ronald Trump quer destruir por todos os meios, atrasando a evolução do processo consciencial das condutas médicas. Por hoje é só o que tenho.